As a college graduate, it can be hard to keep the same football spirit on gameday. Going from tailgating every weekend to having to watch games at home was a hard shift for me. BUT, I am doing everything I can to make at-home game days as much fun as possible! Especially because I don’t live close to my campus anymore, it is hard to find friends who cheer for the same team. So, I am outlining ways for you to make the most of your football watch party even if you are the only football fan!
Games or Drinking Games
Games always make things more fun! For those friends who don’t watch football or care about your team, you can make a game out of it! For every flag that’s thrown, everyone take a drink! There are so many different games you can play to make it more interesting. Another good one is “don’t say it” where you pick a word that is banned for the whole quarter of the game and if someone says it, they have to drink. You could also play card games like Cards Against Humanity to keep things interesting!
Create a Cocktail for Each Team
This one is fun because you can really get creative. If you have fans of both teams at the party, ask them to create a cocktail recipe that goes with their team. For example, I went to Clemson so I could create Clemson Goodnight or Tiger Blood and serve it in an orange cup! Serve each team’s respective drink in a cup of their color scheme so you can see who likes what drink better. If you can’t win the game, you can win the cocktail party haha. I have a really yummy jalapeno margarita recipe linked here that you can use for this! I’m thinking Oregon and Miami fans may like this one since it’s green!
Encourage Guests to Dress in Team Colors
This could be a really fun competition too! If you want people to dress up for one team or the other, have a “most spirited” or “best team spirit” award to the person who has the best costume/outfit! I really think this would get some better engagement from people who don’t have a preference between the teams. I have a post rounding up the best trends for game day this year and I will link it here to give you some inspiration!
Team Decor and Table Ware
This is a small thing that can go a long way towards elevating a party! These are the small details that make it personal and memorable. This is similar to the idea I mentioned in my tailgating on campus post. It just makes everything more festive and cute when you have matching decor and paper goods. Obviously, good foods and drinks help make a party a stunner too! You need to make sure that you have plenty of food and drinks so that your guests are satisfied throughout the whole party!